
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Who is in the Heavens

Heaven. If you asked most Americans they would say that heaven is up in the sky. It has puffy clouds and golden gates and angels with harps and halos. But this is not really what Jesus meant when He said that the Father is in heaven. Actually, He said that the Father is in the heavens. He used the plural. For some this might not do anything, but for others this might change the meaning.

Just like the last entry in the series we often overlook this phrase. We think we know what Jesus meant when He said "Our Father, who art in heaven." But the truth is that we probably don't spend as much time understanding this phrase as we should. We need to look at the more than just the translation. The history of the use of this word is just as important as the translation.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Our Father

Our Father. These are the first two words of the Lord's Prayer. At first glance they don't seem to mean much. They are just an address to God and yet this address brings with it some rich theology. In these two words we find hope, community, belonging, identity. In these two words is a deep understanding of who we are as a people of God and who God is for us. These first two words set the stage for understanding the rest of the Lord's Prayer.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

People of Hope

The world is not over. The election has come and went and we are still standing. Some of you might say that this is only temporary; that we will see Armageddon soon. Some of you may be rejoicing that the right candidate won. There are probably many of you that are shaking your head and are in shock. You may not know how to move forward.

I never really started this blog just for Christians. Though it has a Christian focus I felt that this blog was for all who wished to read it. But today, this post, this is for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. This one is for you. Whatever your feelings on the results of last night there is only once course of action for the future. We need to be people of hope.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How Power Has Corrupted American Christianity

I want you to imagine something. I want you imagine an America where Christians are executed for preaching the gospel. Where religious leaders are imprisoned for what they preach. Where Christians are tortured, flogged, and forced to live as outcasts. This is the American we will have if Hillary is elected President. Or at least it is the America that some want you to think we will have. And if I'm honest, I don't think that is such a bad thing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Golden Calf

Recently I went to a comedy show. It was held at a church and the comedian was "Christian." What that really means is that he is promoted by churches and you can feel safe taking your kids to go see him. Needless to say that there was probably several hundred people in attendance.

The comedian came out and did his thing. He was pretty funny. (If I'm honest my favorite part was a sketch by the back up comedian.) One joke in particular stuck out to me because it seemed to get the best response. He made a joke about how bad Obamacare was and the place erupted. The jokes about home schooling fell flat, but this one apparently struck gold. It reminded me yet again that the church in America has an idol and that idol is politics.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Today I Get Married . . . Again.

I thought of the title for this post back when I started this blog. I don't think that I really thought much about what would be in this post, simply that this would be a catchy title. There was a thought that I could talk about my journey from divorce to marriage. I figured I could talk about how things are different. I have come to realize that this is really about how what I see as a failure God has used for good. How my plan is never as good as God's plan for me.

Monday, September 12, 2016


I'm sorry, this blog is not about Metallica or Clint Eastwood. If you came here expecting me to talk about those you might be disappointed. I'm not saying I won't, just that this probably isn't what you think. But enough disclaimer. On to the intro.

There is a passage in the Gospel of Matthew which we often look over. (If I am honest there are quite a few!) It comes right after the Lord's Prayer, right in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount. In this passage Jesus tells us that if we do not forgive others God will not forgive us. Yes you heard me right. Most people when they hear this ask one simple question. Does this mean that you can lose your salvation? That is indeed a good question.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Loving the Bride

I get married in 11 days. And as the time gets closer and closer I find myself thinking more and more about marriage and the church. My bride-to-be and I are keenly aware that our wedding is just foretaste of the beautiful wedding between Christ and the church. As I think about my own wedding and how I can best love my bride-to-be, I find myself wondering the same of the church.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Fear of a Fence

Since when has the church cared about offending people? Like seriously? We create movies where we insult atheists. We boycott Starbucks because they took Christmas off the cup. We even try and pass legislation that forces transgender people to use bathrooms that they don't want to. But when we try and clean house, when the church tries to point the finger at itself suddenly we care about offense?! Seriously?! THAT is the line that we can't cross?! I hate to tell ya, but we have it ALL backwards people.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Black & Blue

I have spent this past week helping out with a camp of kindergarten through 3rd graders. It has been draining. But not as draining as the national news this week. It has been a week of contrasts. A week where my spotty cell phone service would tell me of another horrific shooting, followed by singing upbeat songs about Jesus. It has been a week where, everyday that I drove the kids to the pool, I passed a sign that said Blue Lives matter. The cogitative dissonance has been deafening. Our nation is tearing apart and we see the bruises. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

When Cold Winds Blow

Over a month ago I talked about Scars. I said that we all carry the wounds of past hurts with us. I mentioned that we have a choice. We can let these scars continue to hurt us. We can focus on the bad that happened and in turn become bitter evil people. Or we can choose to see them as something that God has used to make us better. 

I ended with an analogy of cold winds and talked about how there are times in our life when things happen that inflame these old wounds. Last weekend was one of these for me. I learned that God is with us even through these. I learned that God gives us people to help us through these times.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

4 Things Every Christian Should Believe In

I'm going to start this one by saying that you are probably going to be offended. My fiancee tells me that I like to stir up trouble. It's true. But she also tells me that I shouldn't do it unless there is a point. Trust me with this one there is a point. 

Over a month ago I talked about how our hope was not in heaven, but in the Resurrection. Last week I answered the question "How do we live in the kingdom?" This week I want to give some concrete examples of working in the kingdom. Let me also say, if you did not read my blog from last week do it now. That one is far more important. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Your Kingdom Come

About a month ago I wrote a blog about Zombie Jesus. In it I stated that the resurrection is the Christian hope. I stated that because of the resurrection we have hope to be raised ourselves. I mentioned that our hope is not simply in heaven. I said that our hope is God's kingdom come . . . here . . . now . . . today. 

One of the comments I got about the post was a question on how to live out that kingdom. The statement was made that it is great to recognize that our hope is the resurrection, but what do we do with that? How do we live that out? Tell me what to do. It's taken me almost a month to come up with an answer.

Do Nothing.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


So there is this passage in Genesis that struck me the other day. It is after Jacob wrestles with God. Jacob names the place Peniel. This is Hebrew and it means face of God. But what struck me was what Jacob said. He said that he had seen God face to face and had been preserved.

Preserved? Really?

In case you didn't know, God gave Jacob a limp. Seems interesting to think that preservation meant a limp. Some might say God cheated since he couldn't beat Jacob. But frankly I think that is a bad interpretation. I think this was God's way of reminding Jacob that God was always with him. Jacob's scar became something to treasure and not to disdain.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

God is Not in Your Movie

So earlier this weak I posted this article to my Facebook page. Though I have said things about Christian movies before I did not quite expect the response I got. For the most part it was divisive. There were many who liked it, but I could tell that I had many people who were offended or at least confused that I would agree with such writing. Thus, I feel I need to do some more explanation. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

So Much More Than Zombie Jesus

It’s Easter so one might think that I am going to be talking about Bunnies and Eggs and pastel colors. Nope. I want to talk about Zombies. Yes you heard me right Zombies. At this point some of you might be thinking I have gone off the deep end. Well I might have, but that is not why I am talking about Zombies.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Truth: A Story for Good Friday

I wasn't planning on writing anything today. Its Good Friday and I am sure there are a million other blogs being written today. I have other things that I need to prepare for. Yet in this preparation I came across two verses in the Gospel of John that hit me like a ton of bricks. (Or a ton of feathers. They are the same you know.) So I guess then I have a blog for today.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

4 Things Biblical Marriage is Not

Marriage is a hot topic these days. My whole reason for creating this blog involved the concept of marriage and what was biblical. In that first post I hinted at the fact Christians who think it only takes one thing for marriage to be biblical are wrong. Yet I did not really go into much detail.

A few weeks later I followed up with 5 Things I Learned About Marriage During My Divorce. This has become my most visited blog. I mention it because I am going to reference it many times in what follows. If you haven't read that I suggest you do so now and then come back. Don't worry I'll still be here. 

What follows is a list that I cam up with while preparing to preach on Genesis 2:24. It will include concepts that I have said before. But these are things that I know need to be said. So without further adieu:

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hell is for Christians

I believe in hell. I believe it is eternal. And I believe that people stay there. Most of you might not be surprised by me saying this, but some of you will be. Those that are closest to me might be down right shocked. But that is not why I'm writing this blog.


The shocking thing is I believe that many who call themselves Christians, who have said the sinners prayer, will end up in hell.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Your Prayers are Pointless

Recently my church had a showing of War Room. The plot of the movie revolves around a middle class African American family. The couple and their daughter are in the midst of struggles that would seem familiar to many families. They don't seem to love each other anymore and both are ignoring their daughter. The wife finds a mentor and seeks to change her family through prayer.

By the end of the movie the family is happily back together. The wife still meets with her mentor, but now seeks to find someone else to pour into. The thrust of the movie is that the prayer of the wife changed the family. Prayer works . . . at least in this movie.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wizards, Horoscopes, and Babies

So today is epiphany. (No, not apostrophe Smee.) For those of you that don't know. This is the day that we celebrate the magi finding baby Jesus. There are a lot of things I could do with this. I could talk about the number of magi, or how the gifts they bring point to the crucifixion. But, as you might have guessed form the title, today I want to talk about who the magi really were and what that means for Christians.