
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How Power Has Corrupted American Christianity

I want you to imagine something. I want you imagine an America where Christians are executed for preaching the gospel. Where religious leaders are imprisoned for what they preach. Where Christians are tortured, flogged, and forced to live as outcasts. This is the American we will have if Hillary is elected President. Or at least it is the America that some want you to think we will have. And if I'm honest, I don't think that is such a bad thing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Golden Calf

Recently I went to a comedy show. It was held at a church and the comedian was "Christian." What that really means is that he is promoted by churches and you can feel safe taking your kids to go see him. Needless to say that there was probably several hundred people in attendance.

The comedian came out and did his thing. He was pretty funny. (If I'm honest my favorite part was a sketch by the back up comedian.) One joke in particular stuck out to me because it seemed to get the best response. He made a joke about how bad Obamacare was and the place erupted. The jokes about home schooling fell flat, but this one apparently struck gold. It reminded me yet again that the church in America has an idol and that idol is politics.