

Advent is the time of year that we look at the birth of Jesus. It is a time when the world around us is focused on marketing and consumerism. But Advent reminds us of the humility of God. Advent is a time when we reflect on the gift that God gave us. In this series I look at how the circumstances of the Joseph, Mary, and Jesus can inform our Christian life.

This is not a series on why we use the word trinity. The focus of this is not on how it can be biblical without the word ever appearing in scripture. Rather this is a look a the persons of the trinity. I take each of the persons and chose a word that describes their unique character. What does it mean that the Father is faithful? What does it mean that Jesus humbled himself? What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is a gift?

The Lord's Prayer
Every week, all around the world, Christians recite the Lord's Prayer. They do it because that is what they have always done. They do it because it is familiar. They do it because that is the prayer that Jesus commanded us to pray. But I wonder how many of them really understand what Jesus is telling us through it. Do they understand that He encapsulated His sermon on the mount into this one prayer? If they really understood what the words mean would they still pray them?

Everyday Theology
Have you ever felt like there aren't practical answers to your problems in the Bible? Everyday Theology is a monthly series that deals with our everyday questions and seeks practical answers. Every month I explore a new topic topic focused on the intersection of faith and culture.

The Trees in Eden
In this series I take a look at the two prominent trees in the garden in Eden. The narrative around these trees tells us so much about who God is and who God made us to be. We discover that the story of Adam and Eve is also the story of every one of us.

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